Suunnistuksen MM-kisat alkavat ylihuomenna perjatainaa. Tänä vuonna kisat käydään Skotlannissa, Invernessin alueilla. Samoilla suunnilla ja osittain samoissa maastoissa kisattiin MM-kisat myös 1976 ja 1999. Katso koko viikon MM-ohjelma tästä. Lisäksi totuttuun tapaan samaan aikaan juostaan Scottish 6 Days -yleisökisat.
Ennakkotunnelmia ennen MM-kisoja
Tällä kertaa Suomen joukkeessa ei valitettavasti nähdä ankkurilaisia. Ens kauel! Suomen MM-joukkue matkavalintoineen. Sen sijaan Kanadan ja Venäjän kisajoukkueissa nähdään Ankkurin edustajia. Kisoja voi seurata TV:stä YLEn kanavilta.
Ankkurin tietotoimisto on saanut seuran MM-edustajat langattoman päähän ja kysellyt viime hetken kesätreenien ja vuorikiipeilyjen herättämiä fiiliksiä ennen MM-startteja.
EMILY KEMP, what is your programme in WOC2015?
- I will be running the Middle distance on August 4th, the Relay on August 5th, and the Long on August 7th.
Expectations on the races?
- The terrain for the Middle and Relay involve fast running and lots of contour reading. The main challenge will be to keep good contact with the map while pushing, physically, into the red zone. The long, however, feels like more of a mission to be completed and will be very challenging physically and technically. It will be a character builder with the tough vegetation and steep hillsides.
- Goals are tricky things... As far as my orienteering goes I would like to do some of my most beautiful navigating in the woods of Scotland. I would like to feel like a deer prancing through the forest and to keep my focus and concentration sharp throughout the whole race. Really, I would just like to be proud of my races and whatever the result is at the end is what I get. That being said, since I placed 11th last year in the Middle distance in Italy I would really like to improve on that placing... but we"ll see what happens!
How have you prepared and how has your preparation gone?
- I"ve been racing quite a lot in Finland this spring which has really helped me to improve my race routine and get more comfortable with high stress situations. I have spent over 3 weeks in Scotland in the past year as well so when I fly into Aberdeen on July 31st I will almost feel like I"m going home! My final preparations here in Turku are going well and I hope to have light legs and a clear mind when I toe the start line on August 4th.
DMITRY NAKONECHNYY, what is your programme in WOC2015?
- I will run middle distance at WOC and if I show a good result, there will be a chance to get into the relay team.
Expectations on WOC?
- As I know, middle distance terrain is a bit similar with Russian one, so orienteering will not be so difficult as in Scandinavia. This is good for me, because I haven’t been in Scotland on training camps.
- My main goal is to tune myself up to a good work with the map without mistakes and on high running speed. No mistakes, full speed. In that order.
How have you prepared and how has your preparation gone?
- After Jukola I took part in training camp for Russian military team at Caucasus mountains (2100 meters above sea level). There were good running possibilities, but no orienteering maps (but there will be soon, fortunately). After the camp I have been training at Saint-Petersburg. I have done a lot of orienteering training in terrains similar with Scotland. My running shape is quite good after training in the mountains, but orienteering is not so good yet, so to do orienteering preparation well will be my main point for the last week.
Kiitos, thank you, спасибо, kaikille ja parhainta mahdollista kulkua, taitoa ja suorituksenhallintaa MM-startteihin! Emilyn ja Diman lisäksi mainittakoon Espanjan joukkueessa MM-debyyttinsä tekevä Marina Garcia Castro. Marina vietti syksyn 2011 Kaarinassa lukion vaihto-oppilaana ja juoksi tuolloin Ankkurin riveissä useissa kisoissa. MM-kisoissa Marinan ohjelmassa ovat sprintti ja molemmat viestit.
Vesa Mäkinen - 29.7.2015, 16:13