Angelniemen Ankkuri in English

Angelniemen Ankkuri is one of the most successful orienteering clubs in Finland. Ankkuris homeplace is Salo county. Ankkuri was founded in 1946.

Ankkuri has won Jukola and Venla Relay, Tiomila Relay in Sweden and many Finnish championships in relays and individual competitions. Ankkuri makes also lot of work among junior and motion orienteering. Ankkuri is a Finnish "Nuori Suomi Sinettiseura".

Ankkuri arranges two big competitions every year - Ankkurirastit at springtime and Halikko Relay in the autumn. Ankkuri is also one of the most appreciated competition arrangers in Finland.

Ankkuri in action:

Maanantairastit, motion orienteering
Ankkuris Nuori-Suunta, junior orienteering
Halikko Relay
NOC 2009
Jukola and Venla Relay 2006